At the Banco de Alimentos , most of the food we distribute is thanks to donations from the Food Industry. Donations are delivered to our member organizations, which in turn are distributed directly to thousands of people throughout the Island.
We accept donations from both companies and individuals. To coordinate you must call (787) 740-3663 ext. 102 or send an email to galmacen@bancodealimentopr.org
Our volunteers are an essential part of the operation of the Food Bank. We receive students, corporate groups and individuals who work assisting us in our daily tasks such as storing, identifying, segregating and cleaning food. With their solidarity action they contribute to the construction of a solidarity society.
To volunteer hours you must call (787) 740-3663 ext. 104 or send an email to rh@bancodealimentopr.org.
With every dollar you contribute to the Puerto Rico Food Bank, you help deliver 12 meals to people who suffer from food insecurity in the country. Be part of the hands that feed!
To donate, you can access ATH Móvil and look for us as /bancodealimentosdepr. Find other donation methods here.
Horario: lunes a viernes de 8am a 12pm o de 1pm a 4pm.
Volunteers can visit us all day or as long as they have available within that schedule.
Tareas a realizar: Hacer bolsas o cajas de alimentos que luego el banco de alimentos repartirá a los refugiados del área sur y suroeste de Puerto Rico.
Other tasks: Classification and inspection of food, placing food in gondolas, cleaning, etc. Clothing: Jeans (long or knee-length pants – – no leggings), T-shit or polo shirt (no necklines and no sleeves), closed shoes (tennis).
Groups: We can receive from 1 volunteer to groups of 25 people to work at the same time. They must call and confirm their attendance 787-740-3663 x. 104 or write to rh@bancodealimentopr.org. Snacks: We have snacks and water for volunteers. If you decide to bring your lunch, you can do so since we have an area where you can eat food.
Physical address: Urb. Country Club Industrial Park C/272 IC4 Carolina PR 00982