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Historic Archive


As part of Hunger Awareness Month, we joined nearly 100 Banks in Feeding America's national network on September 12-13, for a historic visit to Congress to support the major nutrition assistance programs covered by the Farm BiIl. This legislation, which incorporates most USDA programs including the Nutrition Assistance Program, is under congressional review in 2023, and is of special importance for Puerto Rico.

Puerto Rico's transition from the NAP program to SNAP is one of Feeding America's top priorities in this effort. This transition would expand access to nutrition assistance programs and increase the amount allocated per family. Banco de Alimentos de Puerto Rico, in support of Puerto Rico's transition to SNAP, met in these 2 days with over 13 congressmen from states with a high Hispanic population, in an effort to inform and educate about the importance of this transition for all Puerto Ricans. We continue to develop alliances and support for this important initiative.

Thanks to Feeding America, Northern Illinois Food Bank, Greater Chicago Food Depository, Food Bank of New York City, Second Harvest of the Big Bend and Second Harvest Food Bank of Central Florida for allowing us to accompany them in these efforts, and the Puerto Rico Coalition for Food Security for their support.